Friday, June 26, 2009

Or so we thought...

Turns out I've been experiencing prodromal labor. Basically, it's slowing down and now down to sporadic contractions. We probably won't be having the baby tonight. Steve and I came home to our place to rest and distract ourselves, while leaving Jilly with my family. The midwife said she wouldn't be surprised if things really kick in overnight, but it could also be a few days.

We're of course frustrated and disappointed, but there's no real reason to rush the baby. We're both healthy and doing fine. It's still 10 days before the due date, and the midwife pointed out that if we try and force it now, we may end up in a situation we regret, causing problems that wouldn't have happened otherwise. So, we're going to take the night, rest as much as possible and see where tomorrow leads us. Thank you for all your prayers, thoughts, and well-wishes. We really appreciate them. We'll keep you posted if anything else develops. :-)


Janna said...

Oh, girl, that would be frustrating! I know at the end of the pregnancy you are just so ready to have that baby! Hopefully he'll come sooner rather than later. Good luck with everything. Hope all goes well.

Sariah said...

I'm sorry! I hope he comes soon!