Thursday, May 14, 2009

She sure ain't the milkman's kid!

Jilly is just a little bit like her daddy.

Since she was born, she has always slept exactly like him. I have several pictures of them in the exact same position, with the exact same expressions on their faces as they sleep. This was tonight, when I'd sent her out of the room to "go cuddle with Daddy" since she was driving me nuts with her whining. Within in moments, it was quiet and I found them like this.

I heart my family.


Janna said...

That is too cute!

Tawnya said...

Oh. I love that! Super cute.

Kmelanese said...

That is too funny!!! I love it!

Nancy Niederer said...


jeannie said...

HAha! maybe Wildcat will take after you, since Jilly takes after her daddy! Love the picture!